September 3, 2009
2USDBux : TOS - For Standard Members - 50/50 rule: From now on, every member that receive his payout request will have to reinvest at least 50% of his total payout.
WorldWidePTC : $5 per click and $500 payouts - not possible.
MyGoldBux, VidiBux : Complaints of accounts being deleted when payout is reached.
September 2, 2009
Bux-gr : TOS - RULE 50/50 : From now on, every member that receive his payout request will have to reinvest at least 50% of his total payout.We Will immediately add this amount to your purchase balance to reinvest.(Only for Standard Members) - (Thanks PapaiMark for the info)
SassyClix : TOS - SassyClix requires all members to be upgraded to receive cash-out payments from the site.
GripBux : Direct referral limit of 25
BuxCashy : Lots of complaints at their forum about non-payment.
Giga-Mails : $25 per email. $75,000 for payout - not possible. (Thanks Yolanda for the info)
September 1, 2009
DuelBux : Sold to the admin of LGClix
BuxVibe : We can suspend any account at anytime for any reason.
Mailsmoney.net : $100 per email.$25,000 payout - not possible.
Instantptr : $10 per email. $10,000 payout - not possible.
PayingClub : $10 per email. $5000 payout - not possible
August 31. 2009
DuelBux : From the admin at their forum - "we do not yet know if balances will be reset"
August 30, 2009
VeryBux : At beta - accounts will be reset at launch. TOS - We can suspend any account at anytime for any reason.
Buxtro : At pre-launch. All earnings will be reset at launch.
Clix.vc : Moving to a new server
CoinBux.info: Only Upgrade Members Will Be Paid (Thanks PapaiMark for the info)
Payclub.in : 40 cents per click and minimum payout of $1000 - not possible
IsabelMarco.in : Named after another scam site isabelmarco
LatestBux.info : TOS - We have the right to suspend or terminate your account at any time, for any reason and without warning or notice.
Tuibux: back but cashout off.
August 29, 2009
Clix.vc : This domain/hosting account is suspended.
Beautybux: Site Closed
Our-bux, Arccsystems : TOS - We can suspend any account at anytime for any reason.
PTCNinja : Lots of complaints of non-payment.
Rapidobux : News Update - "we don't support anymore PayPal and we have canceled all free Members payout,"
NewBuxIndia : Be careful. Same owner as neobux-india which is gone.